Books and Chapters
- (with David Edery) “Changing the Game: How Videogames are Transforming the Future of Business.” Financial Times/Pearson Press.(2009).
- One of the Top Ten Business Books of 2009 by the American Library Association’s Booklist. Reviews or mentions in The Economist, Financial Times, Inc Magazine.
- Other press about my work on gaming and business: CNBC interview (June, 2011), Wall Street Journal (June, 2011)
- (with Kevin Werbach), “Games and the Enterprise” in Steffen P. Walz and Sebastian Deterding (eds.), The Gameful World. MIT Press. (2015)
- (with Venkat Kuppuswamy) “Crowdfunding: Evidence on the Democratization of Startup Funding” in Revolutionizing Innovation: Users, Communities, and Open Innovation, edited by Karim Lakhani and Dietmar Harhoff (Forthcoming)
Scholarly Papers
- Filthy Lucre? Innovative Communities, Identity, and Commercialization, Organization Science, Forthcoming.
- Selected press coverage about this paper: Knowledge@Wharton
- (with Jason Greenberg) Leaning in or Leaning On? Gender, Homophily, and Activism in Crowdfunding, Administrative Science Quarterly, Forthcoming.
- Select press coverage: Wall Street Journal, Time, Atlantic Monthly, Washington Post
- (with Ramana Nanda) “Wisdom or Madness? Comparing Crowds with Expert Evaluation in Funding the Arts,” Management Science, 2016, 62 (6), 1533 - 155
- Select press coverage: New York Times, Crowdsourcing
- (with Alicia Robb) Democratizing Innovation and Capital Access: The Role of Crowdfunding, California Management Review, 2016, 58 (2).
- (with Matthew Bidwell, Shinjae Won, and Roxana Barbulescu) “I Used to Work at Goldman Sachs! Status, Careers, and Competitive Advantage,” Strategic Management Journal, 36 (8), 2015, pages 1115 - 1276.
- “Dynamics of Crowdfunding: Determinants of Success and Failure,” Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 1–16
- Selected press coverage about this paper: Forbes, VentureBeat, Wired, Fast Company, Inc.
- “People and Process, Suits and Innovators: The Role of Individuals in Firm Performance.” Strategic Management Journal, 2012
- Selected press coverage about this paper: Knowledge@Wharton, Financial Times, CBS Interactive, Economic Times of India, the Economist
- “Establishing Moore’s Law.” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 28(3): 62-75, (2006).
- “ Working with the Underground.” Sloan Management Review, (2005).
- “Engines of the Underground: The Elite-Kiddie Divide.” ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, Issue 25, Vol. 2, (2005).
Working Papers and Papers Under Review
Delivery Rates on Kickstarter
- Press: CNBC
- “Swept Away by the Crowd? Crowdfunding, Venture Capital, and the Selection of Entrepreneurs”
- Selected press coverage: Inc., Knowledge@Wharton
- “Mandatory Fun: Gamification and Games at Work” (with Nancy Rothbard)
- Selected press coverage about this paper: GamificationCo, Knowledge@Wharton, Economist
- “In the Blood: Organizational History and the Heritability of New Venture Performance.”
- “After the Campaign: Outcomes of Crowdfunding.” (with Venkat Kuppuswamy)
- (with Sarah Toms) Looking Glass, Alternate Reality Teaching simulation (2015)
- IdeaMachine (2014)
- The Startup Game (2013)